Gary Munson Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Winter Park’

Common AC Repairs to Look For

Monday, June 1st, 2020

Air conditioners have trouble all the time, but telling the difference between something like a refrigerant leak and a clogged filter is a bit more complicated. That’s where a professional technician can come into play. We’ve got the experience and the tools to boil these issues down to a science, finding the root of a problem and fixing it.

That being said, it couldn’t hurt to inform homeowners to the point where they can more accurately call us for help. Every problem has its source, and if a homeowner can provide us with the right details, as well as know what to expect when it comes to how expensive the repair will be, then the process of air conditioning repair in Winter Park, FL can be much smoother!

Keep reading and we’ll let you in on some of the more common AC problems we come across in our neck of the woods.

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4 Noises and What They Mean

Monday, May 4th, 2020

Noises can mean everything in our day to day lives, and when it comes to air conditioners this is no exception. From our smoke alarms to our regular morning alarms, we rely on our ears to notify us when there’s something wrong. Alarms tend to be bells or high pitched noises because they better catch our attention and make us uncomfortable, which then prompts us to change something—whether that be getting out of bed or take the burning baked ziti out of the oven!

In regard to air conditioners, noises still serve this same purpose. If there is something wrong with your air conditioner and it requires AC repair in Winter Park, FL, it could be expressing this issue through a loud or obnoxious noise.

That’s why we’re going to go over some of the more common noises that can be expressed through your air conditioner. If any of these noises sound familiar or are things you’re constantly experiencing, it could absolutely be time to call us for repairs.

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It’s Time to Replace Your Old AC

Monday, November 18th, 2019

We’ve been talking for a long time about the phase-out of R-22 refrigerant throughout the country, but after a long time waiting it’s finally here! As of January 1st, 2020, hydrochlorofluorocarbons like R-22 refrigerant, which is used in many older air conditioning units, will no longer be produced and imported. The only way to get older refrigerant that is of this type is to purchase R-22 that’s already stockpiled. This could run up costs drastically and make your air conditioner useless if you’re not careful.

If you’ve got an older AC that you suspect might run on R-22 refrigerant, now is the perfect time to get it upgraded into something more efficient, dependable, and environmentally friendly that also won’t cost you an arm and a leg paying for AC repair in Winter Park, FL. Don’t wait until it’s too late, this phase-out is put in place to push people away from using R-22 refrigerant and for good reason!

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Problems from a Clogged Condensate Drain

Monday, October 21st, 2019

One of the most important functions of your air conditioner is the removal of moisture from the atmosphere. That muggy feeling causing your clothes to become sticky and covered in sweat quickly disappears when your AC is functioning correctly.

Part of this moisture removal function is draining condensate water that has been taken out of the air. This is where your condensate drain comes in, The water that gets drawn out from the air through condensation turns from gas to liquid, which then drips down into the condensation pan. The water that gets collected in the condensation pan must then be deposited through a drain and away from your home.

In good working order, your condensate drain is a nice drink for your outdoor plants and grass. When clogged though, your condensate drain can cause a multitude of problems in your house, some of which can eventually lead to expensive air conditioning repair in Winter Park, FL. Keep reading to get the full scoop!

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