Air conditioners make things cold. That’s their whole purpose, obviously. Does that mean it’s a good sign for ice to build up on an air conditioner? That means it’s very cold, right? Well, no. In fact, ice on an air conditioner’s coils is an indication that the system needs AC repair. What’s going on? Here’s some info.
Gary Munson Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘HVAC repair’
What Does Ice on an Air Conditioner Mean?
Monday, November 25th, 2024Springtime Heating Repairs: 3 Common Issues –
Monday, February 19th, 2024Whether you rely on a heat pump or a furnace to keep your home warm in Orlando during the winter, now’s the time when it may start to show signs that it’s struggling to do its job. This is especially true if you have a heat pump or mini split and it was seeing heavy usage as an air conditioner before you switched it to heating mode.
No matter what type of system you have, let’s go over signs that it may be exhibiting that indicate it’s time for HVAC repair. From short cycling to weak airflow, don’t let your home comfort suffer if your HVAC system is experiencing any of these symptoms.
Why Our Estimates Are Valuable
Monday, March 21st, 2022
“Can’t someone just tell me how much an air conditioning installation or HVAC repair in Orlando is going to cost?”
Unfortunately, it’s not that simple and we understand your frustration. We do the best we can to accommodate all of our customers. When inaccurate estimates start to shake a customer’s trust in the process, then something is wrong. That’s why we take the estimate process very seriously.
An estimate is a way that we try to figure out how much a service is going to cost, without actually performing the work yet. It’s a method of communication with a customer. We might not know the source of the problem is until we start working on it, but we want homeowners to know how much that work is going to cost before they sign up for it.