Is Your AC on Its Last Legs?

October 18th, 2021

This is a question that we think is worth considering. For many homeowners, their air conditioner is going to last as long as physically possible. We get it, nobody wants to replace a system that still works. Money doesn’t grow on trees and an air conditioning replacement can be one of the most expensive investments for a home. However, we want to make it clear that not investing in a replacement can be an expensive cost as well.

Air conditioning in Orlando, FL needs to be effective, efficient, and convenient. If it’s not meeting your needs in one of those areas, then you might be in need of a replacement. We’re not just trying to be picky. Down below we’ll be explaining why all of these categories can be a cost that you pay for if you avoid AC replacement.

If your AC is on its last legs and needs to be retired, our team will walk you through it every step of the way.

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Pay Attention to High Energy Bills

October 4th, 2021

It’s been a rough week, and the last thing you wanted to see was a spike in your energy bill. Pulling out your wallet, you hope that this is a fluke and not some kind of trend that’s going to cost you down the line.

We all understand this perspective. High energy bills can surprise us, and there’s no option to not pay them, so they can throw a wrench into our budget plans. That vacation can be pushed out another month from one inefficient energy bill.

Well, we’re here to help you examine your energy bills and take note of any trends or a problem that’s in need of repairs. It’s the responsibility of an HVAC company in Orlando, FL to help homeowners with their energy efficiency and ensure their heating and cooling systems aren’t wasting money. Let’s try and figure out if there’s any room for improvement on your energy bill.

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Your Ducts Need Fixing!

September 20th, 2021

Air ducts are a strange topic to talk about. While our HVAC systems like air conditioners and furnaces really get the spotlight on websites and blog posts, that’s not entirely fair. In most homes, the air created by your HVAC system needs to be transported throughout your home through your ductwork. It seems clear that, as much as we enjoy talking about HVAC technology, they wouldn’t be able to do much without ductwork.

Today, we’re going to focus on the unsung heroes of comfort—your air ducts. It might feel like a pain to hear that your air ducts need fixing, but this network of tubes is one of the biggest reasons why you’re able to feel warm and cozy during the winter, and cool during the summer.

As your local specialists for HVAC in Orlando, FL, we think it’s time we talked about your ductwork.

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Get Rid of Unwanted Moisture Today

September 6th, 2021

Moisture isn’t necessarily bad. There are a lot of different types of moisture we enjoy, like the steam that comes from a hot shower or the cool water mist that comes from one of those spinning fan toys. Basically, moisture isn’t really that big of a deal unless we’re talking about HVAC or home improvement. And we hate to be the bearers of bad news, but this is an HVAC blog!

Basically, humidity can cause all sorts of problems for a home. Without a dehumidifier in Orlando, FL, there’s nothing to stop moisture from causing mold growth, weakening the foundation of your home, and adding to the uncomfortable temperatures we get when a heatwave arrives. The only true and tested solution for this is the installation of a dehumidification system that our team can provide.

Read on as we get into the specifics of why dehumidifiers are so necessary for our neck of the woods!

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3 Reasons to Stay Positive About AC Repair

August 23rd, 2021

Air conditioning repair can be a hassle sometimes. Especially when it’s required on one of the hottest days of the year and during an inconvenient time. That’s why we want to try to work with homeowners to ensure them that it can, in fact, be a positive experience.

Air conditioner repair can ultimately be a time when you evaluate the condition of your system, look at your budget and your options, and choose a team that’s right for you. All of these elements can be exciting for various different reasons, and they’re worth thinking about if you’re tired of being stressed out by expensive central AC repair in Orlando, FL.

Our team is here to help make this process as simple and easy as possible. Keep reading to learn more about three unique ways to change your mindset about AC repairs and keep things stress-free.

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Air Quality FAQ: How Does a UV Germicidal Light Work?

August 9th, 2021

Improving indoor air quality can play a vital role in improving your family’s health. From air purifiers and air filters to dehumidifiers, there are a number of things you can install to clean the air within your home. UV germicidal lights can be a huge help with indoor air quality. 

To the uninitiated, UV or ultraviolet light is a type of electromagnetic radiation found naturally in sunlight. It makes up nearly 10% of the total light the sun generates. This light is not visible to the naked eye and can be distributed into three sub-bands: 

  • UV-A: Wavelength range between 315 nm (nanometers) to 400 nm 
  • UV-B: Wavelength range between 280 nm to 315 nm 
  • UV-C Wavelength range between 100 nm to 280 nm 

What does that have to do with air purification, though? Here we highlight how UV germicidal light can be used for disinfection and if you can benefit from a UV air purifier in Orlando, FL.

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You Might Need an Air Filtration System

July 26th, 2021

Air quality is superb in Orlando. It’s clear that tourists come specifically to our neck of the woods in order to escape their stuffy homes during the winter and enjoy our wonderful fresh air! While our outdoor air has a superb quality, we don’t spend the majority of our time outdoors.

Whether you’re working, hanging out at home, or participating in your favorite hobbies with the family, it’s most likely going to be inside your house. Homes in Orlando have been built to keep cool air inside with incredible efficiency, which means you’re less likely to interact with the outside air. While our outdoor air quality might be great, it’s common for air quality indoors to be subpar.

An air filtration system in Orlando, FL could be your ticket to fresh, clean air indoors. With the help of this kind of indoor air quality technology, you can appreciate our amazing outdoor air quality while also achieving comfortable air quality within your home as well.

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Parts Delays, Supply Shortages, and More

July 12th, 2021

We’re certain you’ve heard about some of the industry-wide part delays, supply shortages, and other problems. This isn’t just a situation in our area, it’s happening all over the country and homeowners are dealing with the brunt of it. We’re not in the business of nickel and diming our customers, so if there’s a way we can help you save money, we’re going to go out on a limb and do it.

Today, we’d like to talk about some of these parts delays and supply shortages. We’ll discuss what they mean for you and how HVAC service in Oviedo, FL could be impacted. Don’t worry, we won’t point you in the wrong direction, we’ll give you the proper services you need at a price that will work for you. All you need to do is call us ahead of time to make sure that we plan things for the long term.

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Heat Pumps Need Air Filter Replacements Too

June 28th, 2021

We talk a lot about air filters on this blog, but we want to be abundantly clear with our fans who read it. Heat pumps might be different in many fundamental ways from central air conditioners, but they still are similar in some aspects. When it comes to the filter in your heat pump, and calling for professional help to address heat pump repair in Orlando, FL, there’s absolutely no difference.

Your heat pump needs a filter change just like a central AC unit! And, to make things a bit more complicated, it’s going to need more filter changes because we use heat pumps for the majority of the year, not just for the summer.

So buckle up, because we’re going to touch on how homeowners can replace their heat pump’s air filter, how often it should be done, and why it’s so important to call us if you need help.

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Why Replace Your AC With a Heat Pump?

June 1st, 2021

Your air conditioner has finally bitten the dust and it’s time to replace it. Either it barely works, or it sits there collecting dust while you explore your options online. If this is the case, then you’ve probably come across heat pump technology and you’re wondering why anyone would choose this kind of system over a central air conditioner.

Well, that’s what we’re here to answer! When it comes to air conditioning in Winter Park, FL, especially the installation of a new system, it’s important to look at all of your options. You don’t just have to invest in the same old type of AC unit you’ve used in the past. You could upgrade to a heating and cooling system that works all year round! Or, you could go ductless, and transform your home into a paradise that’s efficient and doesn’t leak any air through old ductwork.

Let’s take a look at a few of your options.

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