Yes, Every AC Should Be Tuned Up!

May 17th, 2021

We understand that we talk a lot about air conditioning maintenance on this blog, but it’s for a very good reason. Homeowners don’t get their systems tuned up nearly as much as they should, and some even believe that certain systems don’t need to be tuned up. Not only is this information false, but it’s going to get you into hot water if you’re not careful.

Our team is a family-owned and local company, which means we’ll go a long way to ensure that every home in our neighborhood has an air conditioner in good shape. One way we can achieve that goal is by informing you about just how important AC maintenance is.

Let’s talk about the different cooling systems and why they also need an air conditioning tune-up in Winter Park, FL. Don’t forget to call us if you have any questions or concerns!

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3 Best Practices for Your AC to Start Today

May 3rd, 2021

We’re sure that everyone who is reading this blog post is familiar with responsibility. Whether you’re a parent, a homeowner, or the owner of a nice car, you know that a lot of work goes into keeping things running smoothly. We call those kinds of things “best practices” because they’re things that you need to do regularly to keep your systems in the “best condition” possible, right?

Why would your air conditioner be any different? It’s a complex machine that’s likely one of the largest investments you’ve ever made. It deserves to be treated as such, and we promise that the best practices we’re going to talk about can help save you money and keep your system running smoothly for years to come.

By regularly using these best practices, you can avoid the need to call for HVAC service in Windermere, FL. Well, let’s get right to it!

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Is That Sound Coming From My AC?

April 19th, 2021

Well, first it’s important to take some measures to ensure this noise is coming from your AC and not from somewhere else. Make sure the TV is off, the kids are quiet, and whatever other noise-making devices are off or asleep. If the noise you’re hearing can quite obviously still be heard, and you’re able to pinpoint it coming from your AC or your air ducts, then you’ve got a problem. Luckily, we have a solution!

AC noises are nothing new. Just like an old beater car or a computer that’s on its last legs, a machine will start creating noise when it runs into a problem. Air conditioners are just another system that will screech, grumble, clang, or hiss when there’s something clearly amiss. That’s why it’s important you have a professional around to provide HVAC service in Lake Mary, FL. Our team is experienced enough to handle whatever issue your system is running into.

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Why Choose Our MVP Plan?

April 5th, 2021

That’s a very good question, but one that we hope to answer right here and now. The Gary Munson MVP Plan grants a whole host of benefits for homeowners that subscribe, and it’s also the way you can get some of the best maintenance available in our area. Your air conditioner, your heater, and your indoor air quality systems will all be better off when you sign up for our MVP plan.

We could talk all day about how great it is when used with your air conditioning in Lake Mary, FL, but we don’t just talk the talk, we walk the walk. We want to show you exactly what benefits are in-store when you sign up for our MVP plan. We’ll show you exactly how your air conditioner will be improved, and get you right to where you can start saving money and planning that next vacation.

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7 AC Repairs Your System Might Need

March 22nd, 2021

Start your engines! Get set! Go!

Hot temperatures are well on their way and the race to getting quality air conditioning has begun. However, if your AC is starting to struggle with the burden of keeping your home cool now, then you’ve got a rocky cooling season ahead. So, perhaps it’s time to look into air conditioning repair in Winter Park, FL.

To put it simply, here is a list of seven common repairs that your struggling air conditioner could be dealing with. We’ll talk about where these problems come from, some information about each one, and exactly what you can do about them. Remember, there’s not much a homeowner should do about AC problems without professional help, so make sure you call us! Our team is reliable, fast, and we always target the root of your problem.

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Whatever You Do, Don’t Void That Warranty

March 8th, 2021

That’s right, you heard us. Put down that wrench, put away your gloves, and closeout that internet tutorial on how to fix your AC. To make a long story short—it’s not worth it.

But we know that many out there read our blogs for the informative content we post, so we’re going to give you more than just a quick answer. AC repair in Windermere, FL is complicated, and it’s not something that a homeowner should even try to accomplish on their own. This isn’t just because it can cause unnecessary damage to the system, render it broken, or even cause wild inefficiency to arise. It’s because you could void your warranty.

Today, we’re going to talk about why warranties are so important and why you should never risk voiding them under any circumstances. Warranties can save you thousands of dollars, and voiding that agreement can cost you the same.

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It’s Almost Time to Retire Your Heater

February 22nd, 2021

Notice how we said “almost?” If you’ve been watching the weather report at all, you’ll know how we’re still in the thick of winter. While we might not get the abundance of snow that appeared for our northern neighbors, we’re still getting cold fronts left and right. You’d be silly to think your heater is done for the rest of the year while our nights are still chilly.

So, as we get closer to the spring, let’s take some time to contemplate whether or not our heating in Orlando, FL could use some help. February serves as a great point to evaluate the quality, efficiency, and price of your heating system as it’s almost made it through another winter.

Here are some steps you can take to contemplate the future of your heating system. Whether you need a repair or a whole-system replacement, we can help. Just remember to use us as a resource when the time comes!

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Your Winter Furnace Guide in Orlando, FL

February 8th, 2021

We know that it might sound foolish to talk about heating in Orlando, but for anyone who has been living here long enough—it can get a little chilly. A February night in Orlando can reach temperatures that require homes to use their heaters and most homes in our area use furnaces.

So, we’ve decided to take it upon ourselves to give you a little mid-winter checklist to help you avoid the need for furnace service in Orlando, FL. With our help, you can make sure your furnace is working properly, your bills aren’t too high, and that your home is as comfortable as it should be. We’re looking to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of your heater.

Just because we use furnaces less often around here doesn’t mean your system should be neglected. Heating is important and it can be expensive when left to neglect!

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What No HVAC Maintenance Is Costing You

January 25th, 2021

Homeowners and industry specialists alike often groan about the cost of a maintenance plan. There are so many features that are included in a plan like ours, that it can be hard to take advantage of all of them. People then think HVAC maintenance in Orlando, FL is some kind of “bonus” service and that they can do without it until their system starts malfunctioning and their bills go through the roof.

What we’d like to make clear today is that HVAC maintenance, for heaters, air conditioners, and any system, is not optional. If you want to even approach a 10-year lifespan for your system, let alone anything beyond that, you’ll need routine maintenance every year. These services are required for very specific reasons that we’ll get into—but the most important thing to remember is that there’s a cost to forgetting to sign up for maintenance.

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Unique Heat Pump Problems to Address

January 11th, 2021

Heat pumps are definitely unique. While we love them, and they’re some of the best heating systems we offer in Orlando, they’re not without their problems. This is where things get interesting because homeowners start thinking that they need to be repaired in the same way that a gas furnace or a central air conditioner should be, when neither is the case.

Heat pumps are their own systems with their own unique needs. Take it from our team, since we specialize in heat pump repair in Orlando, FL, that you’re going to need specific repairs for specific problems that relate to heat pumps.

What might some of these problems be? We’re glad you asked! Keep reading and we’ll talk about the unique problems that only affect heat pump systems. We’ll mention what you can do about them—and here’s a hint—our team can help!

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