Gary Munson Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

How to Check if Your Blower Motor is Bad

Monday, January 9th, 2023

You turn on your home comfort system, notice that electrical buzzing as the thermostat communicates to the unit, and then nothing. There’s no breeze coming out of your vents, and you’re still waiting.

It could be a problem with the blower motor. Your system uses forced air, which relies on the blower motor to push that air from your heater through the vents and into your home. Let’s find out if it’s your blower motor, or if you need professionals to fix your heating in Maitland, FL.

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Why It’s Time to Add a Smart Thermostat to Your Home

Monday, November 14th, 2022
Smart thermostat on the wall in a home.

As technology advances, you should expect your home equipment to become more efficient at the same time. Smart thermostats have the potential to change the entire way you heat and cool your home and make you more efficient over time with learned behavior. Let’s talk about why they can help you and how to go about upgrading your thermostat.

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Is Only One Air Handler Working?

Monday, January 24th, 2022

For ductless heat pump owners, this might be a very important topic to cover. These systems operate via multiple air handlers scattered in strategic locations throughout a home. When one encounters a problem, the others should still be working so that you’re never without comfortable temperatures in your home.

However, what do you do if multiple air handlers start to fail? Or worse yet, what if you’re left with only one working air handler? Should you relegate only one section of your home to have proper heating and air conditioning until you figure out a solution? Well, the truth is that you’ll need professional HVAC service in Windermere, FL regardless of how you got here. The good news is that with our professional team, we can get down to fixing the problem and figuring out what went wrong.

While ductless systems are nifty in a jam, they’re not meant to be used at half or a quarter capacity.

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5 Tips for Your Furnace This Winter

Monday, January 10th, 2022

Yep, it’s still winter, and it’s still going to be winter for a few months, so we recommend you batten down the hatches and give your furnace everything it needs! All jokes aside, you might not need to do very much for your furnace. These systems are exceptionally good at providing you with powerful heat with little maintenance.

However, if you’re wondering what can be done to ensure your furnace works as it’s supposed to, then this is the blog for you! We’ve got a list of five awesome practices that homeowners can do themselves to help alleviate the pressure and stress on their furnaces. Eventually, this will allow your furnace to run more efficiently, and provide better heating quality for your home as a result.

So, let’s get to work! Remember to call the professionals on our team if you need specialized support like furnace repairs or seasonal maintenance.

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It’s Almost Time to Retire Your Heater

Monday, February 22nd, 2021

Notice how we said “almost?” If you’ve been watching the weather report at all, you’ll know how we’re still in the thick of winter. While we might not get the abundance of snow that appeared for our northern neighbors, we’re still getting cold fronts left and right. You’d be silly to think your heater is done for the rest of the year while our nights are still chilly.

So, as we get closer to the spring, let’s take some time to contemplate whether or not our heating in Orlando, FL could use some help. February serves as a great point to evaluate the quality, efficiency, and price of your heating system as it’s almost made it through another winter.

Here are some steps you can take to contemplate the future of your heating system. Whether you need a repair or a whole-system replacement, we can help. Just remember to use us as a resource when the time comes!

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Your Winter Furnace Guide in Orlando, FL

Monday, February 8th, 2021

We know that it might sound foolish to talk about heating in Orlando, but for anyone who has been living here long enough—it can get a little chilly. A February night in Orlando can reach temperatures that require homes to use their heaters and most homes in our area use furnaces.

So, we’ve decided to take it upon ourselves to give you a little mid-winter checklist to help you avoid the need for furnace service in Orlando, FL. With our help, you can make sure your furnace is working properly, your bills aren’t too high, and that your home is as comfortable as it should be. We’re looking to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of your heater.

Just because we use furnaces less often around here doesn’t mean your system should be neglected. Heating is important and it can be expensive when left to neglect!

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The Major Benefits of Springtime Maintenance

Thursday, March 12th, 2020

Springtime maintenance really is key for a longer-lasting HVAC system. While we will get into the specifics of how and why this is the case, first we’d like to talk about what exactly maintenance is.

Many homeowners just think that you should get your air conditioner or heater installed and then you’re set for a decade unless you need repairs done—but that couldn’t be further from the truth! Furnaces and AC systems require yearly tune-ups to ensure they’re still working efficiently, effectively, and reliably. Without yearly furnace maintenance in Orlando, FL you can bet that you’ll be paying for expensive repairs that could have potentially been avoided if they had been addressed earlier.

We’ll tell you what you can expect from springtime maintenance for your heating system, and even for your air conditioner while we’re at it!

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These Three Furnace Sounds Are NOT Normal

Monday, February 10th, 2020

Some sounds are normal. The revving of your car engine when you press on the gas, the clicking of your gas stove when you’re cooking food, even the hissing of water coming from your faucet when you turn the dial, these are normal noises. However, there are some appliances in your home that should not make noises by any standards. Your furnace is one of these appliances.

While sure, hearing the sound of your furnace gently depositing heated air into your home is definitely harmless, any banging or clanking noises that it might make are absolutely not normal. Not only are they not normal, but they could also be dangerous as well, which is why a furnace noise should always warranty a call with an HVAC technician. Whether you need furnace repair in Orlando, FL or a whole system replacement because yours is leaking gas, we can be the team to help you get to the bottom of it.

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Why a Heat Pump Could Be Right for You

Monday, January 27th, 2020

There are a lot of misconceptions that go around about heat pumps these days. Since they’re not as old, as common, or as technologically simple as a furnace, they can be a little difficult for homeowners to wrap their heads around.

As your local provider of HVAC service in Windermere, FL we’d like to talk about the benefits of a heat pump system and whether or not it could be right for your home. While heat pumps don’t work in the same way that furnaces do, depending on the size, location, and energy needs of your home, it could do the job of heating your home better than a furnace could.

Are you still unconvinced? Don’t worry, we’ve got the data to prove that a heat pump could be perfect for your home!

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It’s Time for a Furnace Replacement

Monday, January 13th, 2020

Furnaces don’t last forever, and while we might think that 10 to 15 years is a long time, it definitely sneaks up on you. That being said, a sneaky furnace that’s about to fail isn’t necessarily going to be easy to notice, so you’re going to want to stay vigilant and be sure when you should be preparing for a replacement.

In order to help with this process, we’ve listed several key signs that will indicate you’re nearing a furnace replacement. Be careful, when it comes to HVAC service in Orlando, FL there are serious concerns with running a furnace way beyond it’s average lifespan. If your system runs on natural gas, these concerns could turn into safety issues that are dangerous to have occurring in your home.

So, let’s get started with some helpful hints as to when your furnace is on its last legs.

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