Gary Munson Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Lake Mary Tips: Keeping Cool Next Year

Monday, November 16th, 2020

Here in Lake Mary, it can be hard to explain our weather to outsiders. Things are hot and humid for the majority of the year, but then temperatures can definitely take a sharp dip down, especially at night. Things can become unpredictable during the wintertime, so we’re forced to use reliable heaters that can get us through to the next cooling season.

So, as temperatures are starting to dip and our mild winter is beginning, we’d like to look back in retrospect for some tips that could maybe help you prepare for next summer. AC repair in Lake Mary is definitely one option, as well as AC maintenance. These services can help keep your air conditioner running effectively and efficiently well into the next summer.

Let’s talk about what you as a homeowner can do to get ready for the inevitable cooling system to come next year.

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3 Quick Tips to Deal with the Heat

Monday, June 29th, 2020

Temperatures are rising, and humidity is starting to make it really feel like summer. That means we’re going to be cranking our ACs up and running them pretty much daily. This stress can lead to a plethora of problems, from little repair needs to a full-on breakdown with an air conditioner that’s been suffering. Thankfully, there are some things we can do to mitigate those kinds of events.

Any HVAC company in Orlando, FL will tell you to call the pros for air conditioning maintenance, but not many of them will talk about some great tips for homeowners that they can do themselves to keep their houses cool and air conditioners in good shape.

Don’t believe us? Keep reading and take a look below at some of our tried and tested air conditioning tips for summer temperatures. Make sure you call our team if you run into problems with your air conditioner beyond what we’ve talked about.

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Save Money on Air Conditioning

Monday, January 28th, 2019

Residential air conditioning is one of the things that you expect to find in many homes especially during summer. This is due to the fact that in most cases, summers are usually very warm and therefore it becomes very uncomfortable to stay indoors. This is because of the fact that indoor air is usually very stuffy and therefore it becomes quite hard to breathe. However, it is quite expensive to maintain this comfortable lifestyle especially due to the escalating electricity bills.

Due to this, it is usually important to ensure that you are able to cut on the electricity consumption of your air conditioner. There are different essential tips that can help you save on the cost of running air conditioners in your home. These tips are such as:

Ceiling fans

For houses that are installed with ceiling fans, it is very easy for them to be able to save a considerable amount of money. This is due to the fact that these fans can be used for air conditioning especially when you want to control the air conditioning in your house.

Fans are more electric efficient as compared to air conditioners and therefore their power consumption is equally low. You can also be able to adjust the thermostat while the fans are running and realize that you do not sweat while enjoying the breeze.

Programmable thermostats

Changing the specific thermostat in your house to a programmable thermostat might prove to be quite a task but it’s worth the trouble. This is due to the fact that with a programmable thermostat, you only use the thermostat only when it is required. A programmable thermostat is also very useful for people who forget to adjust the temperatures accordingly.

This is due to the reason that these thermostats are able to automatically adjust themselves according to the temperature of the surrounding. This helps in saving a lot of money as the thermostat automatically switches off when there is no heat requirement in the room.

Maintain cleanliness of the filter

Your residential air conditioning unit is usually very prone to dirt and other interferences. As such it is important to ensure that you regularly clean the filter in order to prevent a possible breakdown of the unit. Cleaning the filter regularly is also important in that it helps in ensuring that the efficiency and output capability of the air conditioner is not hindered at any cost.


Homes that are not well insulated most likely spend a lot of money on electricity bills than it is even required. This is due to the fact that there is a very high likelihood of energy loss in such a home. Therefore heating in order to warm up the house will regularly be required.

It is advisable to hire the residential air conditioning services of a professional insulation company in order to be able to minimize your electricity bill accordingly. Other than having low power consumption in your house, there is also a very high probability of qualifying for tax rebates especially in countries such as USA and UK. It is therefore advisable to part with the insulation installation money and save a lot in the coming years.

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Preparing Your Home Before Vacation

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2016

Ready for a vacation?

Your home should be too! Careful planning can not only help protect your home and your belongings while you travel, but also provide your family with some energy savings to spend on souvenirs! Follow these five simple tips to prepare your home for your absence.

Whether it’s a weekend road-trip or stay at the lake house, remember to follow some of these energy-saving tips to avoid unnecessary expenses while you’re away.

1. Turn off the lights.

If you decide to keep any of your lights on as a security measure, invest in an automatic timer. It can be programmed to turn on your lights during late evening and early morning hours while preventing wasted energy during the day.

2. Turn down your air conditioner.

While it’s important to keep the air circulating in your home while you’re gone, you can drastically cut down on energy usage by turning your thermostat up to 85 degrees. If you have a programmable thermostat, simply use the “vacation” feature to maintain safe and efficient indoor temperatures while you’re gone.

3. Unplug appliances and electronics.

Even when they’re turned off, anything that’s plugged into the wall can continue to consume energy. By unplugging your devices or using a smart power strip, you’ll avoid wasting standby power. Don’t forget to unplug your washer and dryer, too.

4. Adjust your water heater(s).

Turn your water heater down to “low” or to “vacation” mode. If your pool also uses a heater, consider purchasing a pool cover that will help minimize heat loss so that you can avoid the cost to reheat it.

5. Refrigerator:

If you’ll only be gone a few days, turn your refrigerator’s thermostat up a few degrees. If you’ll be gone more than two weeks, clean and empty the refrigerator, prop the door open, and unplug the unit.

Whether it’s a weekend road-trip or stay at the lake house, remember to follow some of these energy-saving tips to avoid unnecessary expenses while you’re away.

Call a Gary Munson Expert on 1-407-680-0318

To set up an appointment with one of our Experts who check your current systems for efficiency improvements!


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