Gary Munson Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

What Weather Can Do to Your AC

Monday, October 17th, 2022
AC repair tech removing the fan grate from the top of an outdoor AC unit.

Most air conditioners are designed to withstand a great deal of varying weather patterns and conditions. Weathering still damages your air conditioner cabinet over time, even with proper maintenance measures in place. It’s important to know what to expect and what to look for so you know when your AC cabinet needs a tune-up. Here’s what you need to know

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Our Guide to Inverter Cooling

Monday, October 3rd, 2022

Are you in the market for a new air conditioner? Well, you can always get in touch with one of our team members to talk about the right budget, preferences, and system that would fit your home. But it can always be helpful to start off doing your own research into the various different cooling systems on the market and how each one differs from the other.

This blog post is going to discuss one of the lesser-known AC models out there, the inverter air conditioner. While these systems aren’t as expensive and comprehensive as a heat pump, they’re more affordable and one of the more energy-efficient models we install. If a central air conditioner is still your model of choice, then at least give us a chance in describing how inverter air conditioners work, and why they might be great for you.

Then, once all is said and done, you can get in touch with us to schedule an AC installation in Orlando, FL.

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Detecting an Electrical Problem With Your AC

Monday, September 19th, 2022

Air conditioners are electrical appliances, whether we like to think of them that way or not. They consume electricity to do a vital job for our home, and that means your home’s energy grid needs to be set up properly to handle the electricity output.

Electrical issues are one of those AC repairs in Orlando, FL that can be tricky to diagnose and handle. They can masquerade themselves as different problems, or even affect other areas of your home making it seem like there’s an issue somewhere else. In truth, an electrical problem is still a problem with your air conditioner and deserves to be looked at by a professional HVAC technician.

Today, we’re going to talk about a few symptoms you might recognize when it comes to an electrical issue in an air conditioner, and how our team can help. You can always count on Gary Munson Heating & Air Conditioning!

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Why Choose Us? A Guide to Better Service

Monday, September 5th, 2022

With every news story being about high inflation and trouble on the economic horizon, it can be easy to look for the cheapest AC work available in your area. For us down here in Orlando, investing in cheap AC service can feel like a no-brainer, but it’s really more complicated than that.

Cheaper AC repairs in Orlando, FL like aren’t usually very good. Think about it–when services like those are cheap, it usually means that the person providing them either isn’t properly licensed, isn’t in business with a reputable company that pays employees well with benefits, or it’s someone who is still learning the ropes. Since your air conditioning matters more than it might for someone living up north, we recommend paying for services that are better, not cheaper.

This blog post is going to talk about some of the reasons why going with better services (like the ones provided by our team) are going to give you better results.

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Maximizing Your Energy Efficiency

Monday, August 22nd, 2022

Local HVAC companies are more dependable than they used to be. Sure, we can still be repair technicians when you need us to be, fixing your air conditioner at a moment’s notice to ensure that it works properly. However, we’re also experts in heating and cooling technology, and that means being a resource for our customers on their energy efficiency. If you’re looking for ways to improve your home efficiency and reduce your carbon footprint, then this is the blog post for you!

Just because you’re on a tight budget doesn’t mean you have to choose systems that guzzle up electricity or energy. Many HVAC systems like ductless heat pumps in Orlando, FL can run with extremely high-efficiency levels and also replace both your heating and cooling units. There are cost-effective choices you can make right now to save money in the future and eliminate wasteful energy practices.

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Why It’s Finally Time for AC

Monday, August 8th, 2022

Air conditioning isn’t really a luxury anymore. But with how expensive some air conditioner models can be, they’re not really classified as a necessity either. They exist in the same place as cars do, being necessary for some people and luxuries for others.

For us in Orlando, air conditioners provide so many amazing benefits for the cost to run them that they’re almost always worth the cost. We challenge anyone out there to find a homeowner who has purchased an air conditioner and hasn’t run it at all for an entire summer.

So, this blog post is going to talk about three specific reasons why a residential air conditioner is a good purchase for even homes on tight budgets. With systems reaching new efficiency levels each year, you could keep your home cool and comfortable for a reasonable price, as long as you call a pro for AC installation in Orlando, FL!

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It’s Time to Upgrade From a Window Unit

Monday, July 25th, 2022

Window unit air conditioners are probably the most common system we see used across the country. In the north they’re perfectly fine, since summertime isn’t very long or hot. A window unit to ensure everyone sleeps on a hot night is usually enough to make it through a summer heatwave.

However, where we live, it’s a lot harder to function in your day to day life without a central air conditioner or heat pump. Window units just don’t have the power or the capacity to be able to let you live your life in the space you need to. Especially for families that require a lot of space, where each kid or family member has their own room, you’ll quickly find that you need multiple window units.

Today, we’re going to make the case as to why your next AC installation in Orlando should be a central AC unit or a heat pump.

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The Need for AC: An Explanation

Monday, July 11th, 2022

One of the most common things we hear from families in our area is the fact that certain people think they can live without air conditioning. Ever since the invention of AC technology, it’s been thought that AC was more of a luxury than a necessity. Many people, it seems, can go without it and it just depends on your lifestyle, your budget, and your own personal preference, right?

Well, not exactly. A lot of people can feel like they’re forced to go without air conditioning because they think they’re cutting the costs needed for something else. Others believe that air conditioning is “too expensive” and is a luxury they can go without, but that might not always be the case.

We want to remind people that there is a legitimate need for air conditioning in Orlando, FL, and depending on how you live your life, it might not be as expensive as you think.

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3 Noises, 3 Different Problems

Monday, June 27th, 2022

Sometimes diagnosing the problem with your air conditioner can feel like you’re solving a mystery or puzzle. You’re given some strange symptoms and you need to try and figure out what’s causing the noises so they can be repaired by a professional.

Now, most of the time we would just tell you to call our team for support since we can do all the diagnosing for you. But that’s not a good enough answer for a lot of people. It can be hard to tell when the right time might be to call for a pro’s help, and this is going to be a blog post that helps you determine if you’re at that point.

Simply put, here are three specific air conditioning noises that can point toward three different problems. If you recognize them, you’ll now know you should call for professional AC repair in Orlando, FL.

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5 Common Frequently Asked Questions

Monday, June 13th, 2022

June is here, which means that the cooling season is well underway. If you haven’t spent at least a few weeks thinking about how you’re going to cool your home, then at least you’re going to start doing it now! Cooling, especially in our area, is just a facet of life and a thing we need to devote some resources towards if we’re going to be comfortable and happy.

However, one big hurdle we run into every time we’re talking about new air conditioning technology or best practices is the fact that there’s not very reliable information on the web. Sure, you can find videos or guides on how air conditioning might work, or how certain AC units can cool a home, but those guides aren’t very local and they might be talking about a different kind of system than the one you have at home.

Here are 5 common questions that have to do with air conditioning repair in Orlando, FL.

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