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Gary Munson Heating & Air Conditioning Blog

Smelly AC? These Odors Mean You Need Repair!


Air conditioners can be a little bit finicky. And if something goes wrong, you might not realize at first. One way you might notice a clue that there’s a problem with your air conditioner is with your nose. It’s true! Your air conditioner should not make any odors. If you’ve got a smelly AC, it needs to be repaired. What smells can happen? What do they mean? We’ll tell you.


This is a distinctive odor that you’ll surely recognize. If you smell mildew, you know for a fact that there’s mold growing somewhere, even if you can’t see it yet. But why would your air conditioner be growing mold? The answer is simple: moisture.

The evaporator coils in your indoor AC unit are very cold. That’s how they can soak up the heat from your air. This also means they develop condensation from drawing the moisture out of the hot, humid air. It’s just like the droplets that form on the outside of a tall glass of ice-cold lemonade. And these droplets of moisture have to go somewhere.

That somewhere is the condensate pan, which collects the water and allows it to go through a drain and out of your home. If it doesn’t get cleaned properly by a maintenance technician each year, this pan can be an ideal spot for mold to grow. And that mold can clog the drain and cause other problems, like the whole system shutting down, or overflow and water damage!


For all the reasons listed above, this same condensate pan is also a great spot for bacterial colonies to breed. Yikes! Instead of smelling like mildew, though, bacterial growth will often smell sour, like vinegar. If you notice this smell, you need a qualified technician to give your AC system a thorough cleaning and check for any other problems that have been caused by this issue.


Your air conditioner is there to make your home cooler. It definitely shouldn’t smell hot! Any whiff of burning dust is a sign of an overheating component, such as the blower fan motor. This is most likely to happen if you haven’t had maintenance done. Lack of maintenance means there’s a layer of dust blanketing the motor like insulation and holding the heat in.

The smell of burning plastic, on the other hand, is a sign of an electrical problem. This could be from the motor overheating and the wiring fusing together, or it could be from an electrical issue in another part of the system. Interestingly, electrical fires can also smell like fish, as they produce ammonia. If you smell any of these things, turn the system off, and don’t turn it back on until you’ve had it repaired!

Preventing Problems in the Future

When you need AC repair in Orlando, FL, we’re happy to help. But you might not need it if you make sure to have a qualified technician provide professional maintenance every single year. Dust will be removed, the drain and pan will be cleaned, and all electrical components will be tested for proper, safe performance. 

Contact Gary Munson Heating & Air Conditioning for AC maintenance and repair in Orlando, FL. You’ll be more comfortable with the best!

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