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How Often Do Air Conditioners Need Service?


In the Orlando area, our air conditioners really have their work cut out for them! It has to be a top priority to take excellent care of them. If you do that, you can have a system that functions well and stays efficient for many years. What kind of care do air conditioners need? How often should they be serviced? We’ve got some helpful suggestions to keep your AC in great shape.

DIY Maintenance

We would never recommend that a homeowner open up their air conditioner and poke around inside it! You could easily injure yourself or damage the unit, and you would most certainly void your warranty. No, repairs and extensive maintenance must always be done by professionals. But there are some things you should be doing yourself!

First, there’s the air filter. Keeping this clean will prevent the air conditioner from having to work too hard to pull air through the system. It will maximize air circulation, so you won’t end up with the air conditioner overheating on the inside while your home’s temperature ends up uneven and inconsistent. 

Once a month is the usual recommendation for AC air filter changes. If you have pets who shed a lot or other causes of extra dust, do it more often. If you’re only using your AC occasionally, such as during early spring or late fall, you can do it less often. If you’re not sure how to do this, check your owner’s manual, or reach out to us with questions.

The other thing that you should keep clean is the outdoor unit. It can easily get caked with dust, dirt, and mud, or tangled in debris like leaves and grass. Rake the area, trim back plants, and gently hose the unit down. This helps ensure that the heat can dissipate easily from the condenser coils.

Professional Maintenance

Once a year, an air conditioner should have a thorough check-up from a qualified HVAC technician. This is usually done in the springtime. Your technician will clean all the components meticulously. They’ll lubricate the places where moving parts rub together. They’ll check that everything is properly in place and not worn out, and they’ll test the electrical components for accuracy and safety.

There is a situation where once-a-year maintenance is not enough: if you have a heat pump. This system operates like an air conditioner and has almost all the same components, but it is reversible and can heat your home in the winter. That means it runs all year long, and needs twice-yearly maintenance.

Prompt Repair

Finally, repairs need to be done as soon as possible when an AC problem develops. Prompt repair will keep small issues from turning into major problems, expensive repairs, skyrocketing utility bills, or system breakdowns. Take note if your air conditioner makes odd noises or odors, cycles quickly on and off, or is not performing as well as it used to, and get air conditioning service in Winter Park, FL.

Contact Gary Munson Heating & Air Conditioning for AC maintenance and repair in Orlando, FL. You’ll be more comfortable with the best!

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