Air quality is something many of us take for granted—until we start experiencing allergies, asthma flare-ups, or unexplained respiratory issues. Whether you live in a city with heavy pollution or a suburban home with pet dander and dust, the air inside your home can be far more contaminated than you realize. Investing in an air purifier in Orlando, FL is a game-changer for your health, especially when it comes to removing volatile organic compounds (VOCs), keeping your air ducts clean, and reducing airborne allergens.
Air Purification: How It Keeps Your Indoor Air Healthy
March 17th, 2025Get Peace of Mind When Buying a System in March
March 3rd, 2025Do you know the best time of year to get a new AC system for your home? Right now! Yes, late winter to early spring is the perfect window of opportunity for an HVAC upgrade. There are some reasons why, in general, this is best regardless of your contractor. And there are reasons why March is particularly fantastic this year when you’re getting your AC system from Gary Munson! Let us explain.
Get Your System Ready for Warm Weather
February 17th, 2025That brief respite from the heat is not going to last very much longer. Springtime is coming, with summer following not far behind! Don’t end up wishing your air conditioner was working properly when that first truly hot day hits. Take care of it now! With AC maintenance in Oviedo, FL, you can be perfectly prepared for warm weather. Here are some of the benefits of an AC tune-up!
Upgrade Your Home Comfort with a New AC
February 3rd, 2025Ahh, winter in Florida—a brief break in the heat. But don’t get used to it! It won’t be long before you need to crank up the AC again. And when you do, will your system be ready for another long, hot Florida summer? Or might it be time to upgrade to a new air conditioner? There are some amazing options available now. Let’s consider the possibilities!
Prep Your Home for an AC Replacement Appointment
January 20th, 2025Air conditioner installation or replacement might be pretty exciting for you. It’s a once-in-a-decade experience. But for us, well… we’re excited that you’ll have a new system that perfectly fits your comfort needs. It might not seem quite as exciting, though, to HVAC technicians who go through this process every day! That’s why we’re the perfect people to answer any questions you have.
Since it has been many years between your last AC installation and the next one, the process could easily be confusing or overwhelming. But we’re here to help! How should you prepare for your AC replacement appointment? What should you expect? Here’s everything you need to know.
Should I Repair or Replace My Old AC Unit?
January 6th, 2025Right now, we are enjoying the limited season we have in our area when air conditioning isn’t an absolute necessity. That means it’s the perfect time to evaluate your air conditioner. How has it been doing? Do you have some concerns? Is it in need of repair? Let’s make sure you get your AC situation sorted out before it gets hot again. Should your old air conditioner be repaired or replaced? We’ll help you decide.
How Often Do Air Conditioners Need Service?
December 23rd, 2024In the Orlando area, our air conditioners really have their work cut out for them! It has to be a top priority to take excellent care of them. If you do that, you can have a system that functions well and stays efficient for many years. What kind of care do air conditioners need? How often should they be serviced? We’ve got some helpful suggestions to keep your AC in great shape.
When Do AC Air Filters Need to Be Changed?
December 9th, 2024In our climate, we really can’t risk doing damage to our air conditioners. We need them in good working order at all times! That means it’s essential to prioritize AC maintenance and, whenever something does go wrong, to get repairs right away before it gets any worse. But is there anything else you should be doing to keep your air conditioner happy and healthy? Yes!
Your air conditioner has an air filter that needs regular attention, so it doesn’t end up clogged with a thick mat of dust. When should you be changing your AC air filter, and how do you get it done right? We’ll tell you everything you need to know.
What Does Ice on an Air Conditioner Mean?
November 25th, 2024Air conditioners make things cold. That’s their whole purpose, obviously. Does that mean it’s a good sign for ice to build up on an air conditioner? That means it’s very cold, right? Well, no. In fact, ice on an air conditioner’s coils is an indication that the system needs AC repair. What’s going on? Here’s some info.
How to Properly Retire Your AC for the Season
November 11th, 2024Summers are long in our area, and your air conditioner worked very hard all throughout the many hot months. It’s finally time to let it take a break and rest during the next few months. But if you want to be sure it’ll be in good shape when you need it for springtime, there are some important steps you should take now.
What does your AC system need at the end of the season? Here are our best tips on how to properly retire your air conditioner so it will be safe all winter and ready to go when the summer heat hits again.